type type_kind =
| Void
| Void_ptr
| Bool
| Char
| Signed_char
| Unsigned_char
| Short
| Unsigned_short
| Int
| Unsigned_int
| Long
| Unsigned_long
| Long_long
| Unsigned_long_long
| Float
| Double
| Long_double
| Const_char_ptr
| Size_t
| File_ptr
| Complex_float
| Complex_double
| Complex_long_double
val get : context -> type_kind -> type_
Access a standard type. See type_kind.
val int : context -> ?signed:bool -> int -> type_
Get the integer type of the given size and signedness.
val pointer : type_ -> type_
Given type T, get type T*
val const : type_ -> type_
Given type T, get type const T.
const T
val volatile : type_ -> type_
Given type T, get type volatile T.
volatile T
val array : context -> ?loc:location -> type_ -> int -> type_
Given type T, get type T[N] (for a constant N).
val function_ptr : context -> ?loc:location -> ?variadic:bool -> type_ list -> type_ -> type_
val struct_ : struct_ -> type_
val union : context -> ?loc:location -> string -> field list -> type_
Unions work similarly to structs.
val to_string : type_ -> string
Get a human-readable description of this object.